Youth Day in Tunisia 2026

March 21, 2026 in Tunisia

Youth Day in Tunisia is celebrated on March 21, 2026. Youth Day is celebrated annually in Tunisia the day after their Independence Day. It is sometimes referred to as Revolution and Youth Day or in French as a spoken language there: Fête de la Révolution et de la Jeunesse. The Tunisian Revolution took place in 2011 when the country overthrew its president for parliamentary elections.

During the festivities of Youth Day all focus lies on the boys and girls in the country to let them know how important they are. Only when a country supports and values the new generation’s economic growth is likely. The Republic of Tunisia with its capital city Tunis is a country located in the very North of Africa.

Where is Youth Day in Tunisia?
When is Youth Day in Tunisia?
Saturday, the 21st of March 2026
Only 355 days left!

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