World Men’s Day 2025

November 3, 2025 in the World

All men in the world should be aware of their health on World Men’s Day on November 03 in 2025. This awareness day is observed annually. According to its inventor Michail Gorbatschow, the goal of World Men’s Day is that men face up to their health. The men should get information and understand why health is so important - especially according to the fact that the average lifespan of women is 7 years larger than that of men. World Men’s Day had been declared by andrologists from the University of Vienna. Andrology is a special medical topic: the science of men, or more explicitly the reproduction.

In 2000 this day had been celebrated first, organized by the initiators from the University of Vienna, the United Nations, the city of Vienna, the Medical Connection and Gorbatschow foundation. Events on World Men’s Day inform the male about risks. They die earlier than women and often have unhealthier lifestyles, for example they drink more alcohol. At least on World Men’s Day men should not consume alcohol. World Men’s Day should not be mixed up with International Men’s Day on November 19, which deals mostly with sexual equality.

Where is World Men’s Day?
When is World Men’s Day?
Monday, the 3rd of November 2025
Only 312 days left!

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