World Day of Social Justice 2026

February 20, 2026 in the World

World Day of Social Justice takes place on February, 20 2026. It is an awareness day which had been initiated by the United Nations (UN) in 2009 and it aims to bring back the approach of social justice to mind. One of its basic principles is the fair dispersal of goods. Social Justice is the basic condition for peace and respect between the nations on a connected world.

World Day of Social Justice follows another topic each year but it always focuses on certain themes about injustice on our planet which should be fought. Examples for such injustice between nations are human trafficking, forced labor or rights at work. A fair globalization must include fair trade and working conditions to avoid human exploitation and frustrations. World Day of Social Justice supports fair globalization.

Where is World Day of Social Justice?
When is World Day of Social Justice?
Friday, the 20th of February 2026
Only 343 days left!

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