Vietnamese New Year 2026

February 17, 2026 in Vietnam

Vietnamese New Year is observed on February 17, 2026. Vietnamese New Year, is the most important celebration of Vietnamese culture. It features aspects of the western Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day, Halloween and Birthday. It is the Vietnamese New Year marking the arrival of spring based on the Chinese calendar, a lunisolar calendar. However, like Vietnam, each of these countries have incorporated characteristic rituals and celebrations that are indigenous to their regions, and are harmonious with their cultural history and geographical climate. Vietnamese New Year is celebrated on the same day as Chinese New Year, though exceptions arise due to the one-hour time difference between Hanoi and Beijing resulting in the alternate calculation of the new moon. It takes place from the first day of the first month of the Lunar calendar (around late January or early February) until at least the third day. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is Vietnamese New Year?
When is Vietnamese New Year?
Tuesday, the 17th of February 2026
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