Tibetan Uprising Day 2026

March 10, 2026 in Tibet

Tibetan Uprising Day is observed on March 10, 2026. Tibetan Uprising Day commemorates the 1959 Tibetan uprising against the presence of the People's Republic of China in Tibet. The failure of the armed rebellion ultimately resulted in a violent crackdown on Tibetan independence movements, and the flight of the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso into exile. Tibetan Uprising Day is observed primarily by organizations and individuals who support Tibetan independence, such as Students for a Free Tibet, and is often accompanied by the release of a statement by the Dalai Lama. Tibetan independence groups often organize protests or campaigns on March 10th to draw attention to the situation in Tibet. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is Tibetan Uprising Day?
When is Tibetan Uprising Day?
Tuesday, the 10th of March 2026
Only 347 days left!

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