Soviet Occupation Day in Georgia 2026

February 25, 2026 in Georgia

Soviet Occupation Day is observed on February 25, 2026 in Georgia. Since 2001 it commemorates the Red Army invasion of Georgia in 1921. Back then during the Soviet-Georgian War the Soviet Russian Army overran Georgia in order to build up a Bolshevik regime there. Finally on February 25 in 1921 the Red Army reached and occupied the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi.

That was the hour of birth for the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic and the end of the Menshevik government as well as the Georgian National Army. Soviet Occupation Day in Georgia is a sad remembrance day when flags are half-masted and many commemorational events take place. Hundreds of thousands people fell a victim of the communist governmental repression during the Soviet occupation.

Where is Soviet Occupation Day in Georgia?
When is Soviet Occupation Day in Georgia?
Wednesday, the 25th of February 2026
Only 350 days left!

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