Peak of Leonid meteor shower 2026

November 17, 2026 in the World

Painting of a Leonid shower in the year 1833

The maximum of the Leonid activity in 2026 is expected during the night of the 17th November 2026. The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower. It tends to peak around November 17, but some are spread through several days on either side and the specific peak changing every year.

We have placed a detailed description of this event on this page: Peak of Leonid meteor shower 2025. For further information please stop by there!

Where is Peak of Leonid meteor shower?
The sky
When is Peak of Leonid meteor shower?
Tuesday, the 17th of November 2026
Only 599 days left!

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Peak of Leonid meteor shower 2026 - Nov 17, 2026 – Copyright © 2025 Cute Calendar