On February 15, 2026 Buddhists of the Mahayana tradition observe the Parinirvana Day in order to commemorate Buddha's death and his entry into Nirvana. Some Buddhists celebrate this day on February 8th. With the achievement of Nirvana Buddha broke the cycle of suffering and rebirth because of his enlightenment, and thus reached the highest happiness. Achieving Nirvana, whether alive or after death, is the goal of Buddhist faith.
On Nirvana Day, as this celebration is also called, not Buddha's death is celebrated, but his leaving of this world and the beginning of a new kind of existence. Buddhists celebrate this day often by reading the Nirvana Sutra, in which the last few days of Buddha are described. Meditation and the visit of monasteries and Buddhist temples are other ways to observe Parinirvana Day. People often use this day to take some time to reflect about deceased family members and their own mortality in order to enjoy life to the fullest.
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