Old Twelveth Night 2026

January 17, 2026 in England

Old Twelveth Night is celebrated on January 17, 2026. The Old Twelveth Night, also known as the Epiphany or Old Christmas Day, is an old Anglo-Saxon tradition that celebrates the last day of medieval Christmas festivities and the end of Twelfthtide, the 12-day season after Christmas. The old English custom of wassailing is also closely linked to the Old Twelfth Night. This custom is still observed in some parts of the United Kingdom, particularly south-western England. There is much confusion about the exact date of the Old Twelveth Night. Some people believe that it corresponds to the date of the Old Christmas Eve (January 5) while others claim that it should be marked on the Twelveth Night (January 6). According to tradition, the correct date for the Old Twelveth Night should be on January 17 since the custom was created at a time when the Julian calendar was still in effect. (With material from: Wikipedia)

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When is Old Twelveth Night?
Saturday, the 17th of January 2026
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