Name Yourself Day 2025

April 8, 2025 in the World

Name Yourself Day takes place on April 08, 2025. Have you ever wished to have another name? Name Yourself Day is your chance to try on a new name for one day. Take your time and think about what name would fit you better than your own. You can also create a fun game about that and invite some friends for a name party. Discuss in a group why you think you deserve a better name than the one you have.

Maybe people call you on a nickname you like to get rid of - then Name Yourself Day offers you an opportunity to come up with a more suitable one. If there are things you would like to do incognito use Name Yourself Day to finally do them. It is your decision if you let others know about the new name you picked.

Where is the event?
When is the event?
Tuesday, the 8th of April 2025
Only 107 days left!

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