Mattu Pongal is celebrated on January 14, 2026. Mattu Pongal is an Indian festival celebrated on the day following the Pongal festival or the Makar Sankranti festival. Though the name of the festival is specific to Tamil Nadu, in India, it is also celebrated in other southern states such as Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Makar Sankranti is a festival that marks the start of northern declination of the Sun from the Zodiaca sign of Sagittarius to Capricorn, which according to Hindu calendar usually falls on 14 January. Mattu Pongal is for celebration of the cattle, particularly cows and bulls that play a vital role by working hard to help the farmers to raise crops on their fields, falls on the following day, 15 January. The festival is also observed by ethnic Tamil population of Sri Lanka. (With material from: Wikipedia)
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