Marooned without a Compass Day 2025

November 6, 2025 in the World

November 06, 2025 is Marooned without a Compass Day. Hopefully on Marooned without a Compass Day nobody is destined to the same fate as many pirates and seamen in history were. Being marooned without a compass means to be lost and abandoned on a lonely island with no chance to find your way back.

If you are not a pirate you can celebrate Marooned without a Compass Day by going to a place where you have not been before, switch of your Smartphone and try to feel what it is like to be marooned. If you rather prefer some company, then meet your friends and family and take turns asking each other what you would take with you on a deserted island. This popular thoughts game discovers a lot about the people around you.

Where is the event?
When is the event?
Thursday, the 6th of November 2025
Only 315 days left!

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