Lee-Jackson Day 2026

January 16, 2026 in Commonwealth of Virginia

Lee-Jackson Day takes place on January 16, 2026. Lee-Jackson Day is a holiday celebrated in the Commonwealth of Virginia in the USA, for the birthdays of Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson. The original holiday, created in 1889, celebrated Lee's birthday. Jackson's name was added to the holiday in 1904. In 1983, the holiday was merged with the new federal holiday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as Lee-Jackson-King Day in Virginia. This merge was reverted in 2000. Lee-Jackson Day is currently observed on the Friday before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which is the third Monday in January. Typical events include a wreath laying ceremony with military honors, a Civil War themed parade, symposia and gala ball. State offices are closed for both holidays. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is Lee-Jackson Day?
Commonwealth of Virginia
When is Lee-Jackson Day?
Friday, the 16th of January 2026
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