Lao New Year 2025

April 12, 2025 in Laos

Lao New Year, also known as Songkran or Pi Mai, is celebrated on April 12, 2025 in Laos. The festival officially lasts for three days, whereas the first day is the last day of the old year. The second day is call “day of no day” because it belongs neither to the old nor to the New Year. And finally the last day is the start into the New Year. Lao New Year is traditionally a time where people visit their families all over the country. Water is an important element of Pi Mai. Perfumed water is used to wash away the bad deeds from the old year and start fresh into the new one. Also the Buddha statues are taken down from their usual places, so the people can bathe them. People in the streets and everywhere else are using water to soak friends and passers-by. Due to the hottest time of the year nobody really minds getting wet during Lao New Year.

Where is Lao New Year?
When is Lao New Year?
Saturday, the 12th of April 2025
Only 112 days left!

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