Landing of the 33 Patriots Day 2025

April 19, 2025 in Uruguay

In Uruguay Landing of the 33 Patriots Day is observed on April 19, 2025. The day is the anniversary of the Landing of the 33 Patriots in Uruguay, who are also referred to as the Thirty-Three Orientals: in 1825 a group of exiled Uruguayan fighters returned from Buenos Aires. They landed on the Eastern Bank on 19 April, where they planted what would be known as the flag of the 33 Orientals. They took an oath to kick the Brazilian government out of Uruguay, and only four months later, on 25 August 1825, Uruguay declared its independence from Brazil, and after the Argentina–Brazil War, in 1828 Brazil recognized Uruguay's independence in 1828. Today on Landing of the 33 Patriots Day, which corresponds with the Uruguayan Independence Day, several celebrations and events take place all over the country.

Where is the event?
When is the event?
Saturday, the 19th of April 2025
Only 224 days left!

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Landing of the 33 Patriots Day 2025 - Uruguay - Apr 19, 2025 – Copyright © 2024 Cute Calendar