July Morning 2025

July 1, 2025 in Bulgaria

July Morning at Kamen Bryag.

July Morning is observed on July 01, 2025. In Bulgaria, there is a tradition called July Morning which is believed to be an echo from the hippie era of the 1960-1980s. Although not universally observed in the country, it is unique as it is not observed anywhere else in the world.

Usually, in the days before 1st of July, people from across Bulgaria travel - often hitchhiking - to the Black Sea coast to meet the first sun rays on the first day of July. People gather around fires, share drinks, play music and wait for the sunrise. There is no mandatory ritual, ceremony or rite for this tradition and it is up to participants' discretion how will they spend the night before July 1. On many locations, there are concerts with professional and amateur bands. Camping at the locations of choice for the July Morning celebration is also very popular.

The name of the tradition comes from the British rock band's Uriah Heep's 1971 hit July Morning which became widely popular in Bulgaria in the 1980s and somehow named and remained central to this unique Bulgarian tradition.

There are many versions of the meaning of the tradition. Most people consider July Morning a celebration of a new beginning and freedom in the spirit of the hippie movement. For others, it is a good reason for a late night/early morning party as July 1 is the first day of summer break for most high schools in Bulgaria and the unofficial start of the summer vacationing season, traditionally culminating with a trip to the Black Sea coast in July or August. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is July Morning?
When is July Morning?
Tuesday, the 1st of July 2025
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