Johnny Appleseed Day 2025

September 26, 2025 in the USA

Johnny Appleseed Day on the 26th of September 2025 is an unofficial holiday to commemorate John Chapman from Massachusetts, USA. His birthday was on that exact date but sometimes Johnny Appleseed Day is celebrated on March, 11 – his supposed time of death. The latter is suits better for planting of course.

John Chapman was a poor man who lived in the USA from 1774 until 1847. He became famous as he is said to have brought apple trees to all over the Midwest. He walked through the country, planting apple trees everywhere and he is known to have been a truly kind and polite man. Johnny Appleseed Day is a good idea to try fostering one’s own little apple tree – the seed you need can be found in any apple.

John “Appleseed” Chapman never gained any profit from his apples because he only raised the trees and then he moved on planting his seeds somewhere else. Taking part in Johnny Appleseed Day should include eating an apple of course. Primary schools often celebrate that neat date to teach the kids about that popular and healthy fruit.

Where is Johnny Appleseed Day?
When is Johnny Appleseed Day?
Friday, the 26th of September 2025
Only 279 days left!

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