Gustav Adolfsdagen 2025

November 6, 2025 in Sweden

Gustav Adolfsdagen is observed on November 06, 2025. Gustav Adolfsdagen (Swedish for Gustavus Adolphus Day) is a general flag day, celebrated in Sweden on November 6 in memory of king Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, who was killed on this day in 1632 at the Battle of Lützen. Gustav Adolfsdagen coincides with the Finnish Swedish Heritage Day. The date has been celebrated since the early 19th century. It is especially popular in Gothenburg, which was founded by Gustavus Adolphus, and in Uppsala, where the king donated a lot of money to the university. Gustavus Adolphus Day is celebrated in Sweden, Estonia and Finland. On this day only, a special pastry with a chocolate or marzipan medallion of the king, is sold. The day is also an official flag day in the Swedish calendar. In Finland, the day is celebrated as svenska dagen or ruotsalaisuuden päivä, "Swedishness Day", and is a customary flag day. In Estonia, the day is known as Gustav Adolfi päev. In all three countries, 6 November is the name day for Gustav Adolf, one of the few exceptional name days in the year. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is Gustav Adolfsdagen?
When is Gustav Adolfsdagen?
Thursday, the 6th of November 2025
Only 315 days left!

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