In 2026 Fruitcake Toss Day takes place on January, 03. Fruitcakes are popular gifts during the Christmas season who has got some of them left can use them to join in Fruitcake Toss Day. Those cakes are made of sugar flour and fruits and overall not that much favored. But it can be fun to meet friends and see whose fruitcake flies the widest.
In Manitu Springs, Colorado they annually organize a great fruitcake toss since 1995 and it is very likely that the idea for Fruitcake Toss Day came from here although the creator of this weird fun holiday is not known. However, in Manitu Springs people throw their unbeloved fruitcakes and receive prices have competitions and all in all a really jolly day. Beware: the older your fruitcake is the harder it gets and the better it can be tossed.
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