Ely Eel Day 2025

April 26, 2025 in Ely, Cambridgeshire

The city of Ely, Cambridgeshire in the UK celebrates Ely Eel Day on April 26, 2025. On this special day Ely pays homage to the eels living in the waterways around the city and celebrates its origins. It is easy to see that the eel is not only a tasty delicatessen for the people from Ely, but also the namesake for their lovely city. And this is celebrated annually with a big festival. The festivities consist of activities like eel throwing and eel tasting, but also commemorates traditions like historical displays, craft and food stalls and of course folk music and dancing. So whether you a fan of the humble eel or just want to experience Ely Eel Day, today is your chance to do so.

Where is Ely Eel Day?
Ely, Cambridgeshire
When is Ely Eel Day?
Saturday, the 26th of April 2025
Only 126 days left!

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