Children’s Day in Germany 2025

September 20, 2025 in Germany

On September 20, 2025 Germany celebrates their Children’s Day. That is actually World Children’s Day for Germany because each country declares another date for World Children’s Day. It should not be mixed up with the United Nation’s World Children’s Day on November 20 or the Internationaler Kindertag (English: International Children’ Day) on the 1st of June. The latter had been celebrated in the German Democratic Republic (DDR) whereas Western Germany had already organized the first German Children’s Day on September 20 in 1954. Since Germany’s reunion they celebrate Children’s Day annually on September 20. There are events about that day especially in the capital city Berlin and other big cities.

Children’s Day in Germany is an awareness day for children’s rights and needs. So it is obviously a great day for children in Germany. Politicians take the chance on Children’s Day to give speeches and apart from that there are numerous feasts and events about and for kids. Child protection and issues of family policy like the demand for a more child-friendly Germany are on the list, too, on the German Children’s Day. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the German child protective service also take part in the events and support Children’s Day in Germany. After a period of misrecognition compared to other kids days, this day is now recognized again widely, also by the government.

Children’s Day in Germany can be celebrated on different ways. The kids should be on focus all the time, of course. It’s playing, laughing and dancing time! If you don’t like or cannot join in one of the official events you can also organize your own private children’s party. That might be like a kid’s birthday party and invites everyone to play, eat and have fun together. Parents might like to recognize Children’s Day in Germany by simply spending a lot of quality time with their sons and daughters and maybe do a little trip together. The important thing is that the children are honored and celebrated and adults remember the importance of their protections and the support of their rights all over the planet.

Where is Children’s Day in Germany?
When is Children’s Day in Germany?
Saturday, the 20th of September 2025
Only 178 days left!

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