Art's Birthday 2026

January 17, 2026 in the World

Happy Birthday, Art!

Art's Birthday is observed on January 17, 2026. Robert Filliou was a French Fluxus artist, who produced works as a filmmaker, "action poet," sculptor, and happenings maestro. Filliou proposed "Art's Birthday" in 1963.

He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago, there was no art. But one day, on January 17 to be precise, Art was born. Filliou says it happened when someone dropped a dry sponge into a bucket of water.

He also proposed a public holiday to celebrate the presence of art in our lives. Art's Birthday was first publicly celebrated in 1973 in Auchen, Germany and at the same time in Paris, France. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Where is the event?
When is the event?
Saturday, the 17th of January 2026
Only 309 days left!

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